Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Strawberry/Blackberry Smoothie

6-8 Strawberries
4-6 Blackberries
1 Banana
1 Single Serving Cup of Strawberry Flavored Yogurt
Low Fat Milk

Get your blender out and wash up the strawberries and blackberries. You will want to remove the stems off the strawberries. Next, slice the strawberries into halves. Cut your banana into smaller pieces as well. This will make things blend easier. Once you have that done it’s time to put everything into the blender.You will want to add the strawberries, banana, and blackberries first. Next, pour in the strawberry yogurt. Pour about 1 cup of low fat milk. You will also add in 3-6 tablespoons of sugar. This is to add a little bit more sweetness into the smoothie. Finally, pour in the ice. We filled a tall glass up with ice cubes to use in this recipe. That will give you an idea of how much ice you may want to add. Hit that blend button after all the ingredients are in there.

Garrett enjoying his smoothie!!!
